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A case of comparative study of Bhavanga-citta, subsconcious mind, in Buddhism and western philosophy.

       A case of  comparative study of  Bhavanga-citta, subsconcious mind, in Buddhism and western philosophy.

By Dr. Phramaha Thotsaporn Iddhivaro
Buddhist Faculty, MCU. Bangkok, Thailand.


I am invite to write this article to show in international research seminar in January 2011. This seminar is held by Buddhist research institute at Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University. This seminar draws scholars   from inside and outside Thailand to express their ideas.
Bhavanga-citta,subconscious mind is the article I would like to express, inside and outside Buddhism. Buddhism is religion we follow and practice. Sometime Buddhism is considered as philosophy. Outside Buddhism means Sigmund Freud. He is a famous psychologist in the western world.
Sometime Buddhism is religion. Sometime Buddhism is philosophy. Both ideas are correct according to their perspective.
The topic I would like to express to all of you who come to this event is a case of comparative study about Bhavanga-citta, subconscoious mind, in Buddhism and western philosophy.
It seems for me to difficult for people who don’t understand Abhidhamma, Buddhist philosophy to understand this case. Even though Abhidhamma, Buddhist philosophy, is a core of Buddhism, but Buddhist people have less understanding about that Abhidhamm.
.Bhavanga-citta, subconscious mind, is the most important citta in Abhidhmma because people come to this world, stay in this world, apart from this world with this Bhavanga-citta.
            In my comparative study, I would like readers to understand Bhavang-citta in Abhidhamma first and citta in Sigmund Freud later. Readers would understand Abhidhamma more than before. I hope so.
Dr. Phramah Thotsaporn Iddhivaro

                                 10 January 2011


- What is citta

- What is a number of citta

- What is function of citta

- What is operation of citta

- What is Bhavanga-citta.

- What is citta in Sigmund Frued.

- Conclusion

What is citta.

     Citta, mind, is Pali word in Theravada Buddhism. There 10 kinds of synonym for citta[1], mind. They are:
1.     Citta means to think the objects.
2.     mano means to go forward to the objects.
3.     Hadya means to collect the objects.
4.     Manas means to satisfy the objects.
5.     Bandhara means to be pure.
6.     Manayatana means to connect the objects.
7.     Manitdhriya means to prominent the objects.
8.     Vinyana means to know the objects
9.     Vinyana Khantha menas to be a group.
10.            Vinyanadhatu means to keep its status.

  Citta knows objects by eyes, ears, noses, tongue, body and by itself. There are six objects; color, sound, smell, taste, tangible and mental objects. In Atthasalinee stated that eyes like a snake, ears like a crocodile, noses like a bird, tongue like a fox, body like a dog, mind like a monkey. Citta exits depending on six objects eventually. This is citta-niyama, mind-order.

[1] Kuddhakanikaya, Mahanidesa, Volume 29, 3

What is a number of citta
     Citta is divided into four kinds[1]. They are akusa-citta, unwholesome citta, kusala-citta, wholesome citta, vipaka-citta, resultant   citta, and kiriya-citta, functional-citta.
      Akusala- citta means mind does not cut bad thing which happens through physical, verbal and mental actions. People who commit themselves to akusal-citta think bad thing, speak bad thing, and act bad thing. Akusala-citta produces bad thoughts, bad speech, and bad action.
        According to Buddhist teachings, akusala-citta has three roots to        back up. They are greed, hate, and delusion. Greed makes people   to break precepts like a killing. Hate makes people to break precepts like a stealing. Delusion makes people break all precepts. People who eliminate precepts earn akusala-citta.
          People who eliminate precepts receive bad fruit from their action. They see bad sight, hear bad sound,   take  bad  smelling ,    take bad taste,  touch bad tangible and take bad mental objects in daily life. They do not wait until they die and go to hell.
          There are 12 of unwholesome[2]. They are 8 of greediness of consciousness, 2 of hate of consciousness, and 2 of delusion of consciousness . Greediness takes people who commit evil into hungry ghosts.  Hate takes people who commit evil into hell..  Delusion takes people who commit evil into animal realm. Twelve of unwholesome produce bad fruit in both this life and next life.
 Those of Greediness are divided into eight of mind. Greediness of mind consists of 3 factors of bad mental properties. They are greediness, wrong views, and conceit. Mind comes up with 3 bad mental properties ends up with bad results through 5 sense doors and mind door in this present live. After they are dead, they go to hungry ghost. There are 3 of greediness. The first one is greediness of sexual desires. The second one is greediness with assets. The third one is greediness of pride. There are 2 of wrong views. The first one is sassada-ditthi, eternalism. The second is uccheda-ditthi, annihilationism. People who commit in eternalism believe that they stay for ever. People who commit in annihilationism believe that they expire after this life.
Those of hate are divided into 2 of mind. Hate of mind consists of bad mental properties. They are angriness, envy, stringiness, and worry. Mind comes up with 4 bad mental properties end up with bad result through 5 sense doors and mind door in this present live. After they are dead, they go to hell.
Delusion is a core of unwholesome. When unwholesome takes place, this delusion exits eventually.  It produces all bad things in mundane world
In general, greediness, wrong view, and delusion are play a big role for unwholesome. Greediness and wrong view don’t come up all the times but delusion take place when mental properties of unwholesome exit.

          Kusala-citta means mind cut bad thing which happens through physical, verbal and mental actions. This kusala-citta is originated in the mind and spread into speech and finally into body. People who commit themselves to kusal-citta think good thing, speak good thing, and act good thing. Kusala-citta produces good thoughts, good speech, and good action.
          There 21of wholesome[3] citta. They are 8 of moral consciousness, 5 of sphere moral consciousness, 4 of formless sphere moral consciousness, and 4 of moral extra-mundane consciousness. There are 17 for mundane and 4 for super-mundane.
          According to Buddhist teachings, kusala-citta has three roots to back up. They are non-greed, non-hate, and non-delusion. Non-greed makes people to donate. Non-hate makes people to have precepts. Non-delusion makes people to get enlighten. People who preserve precepts
Earn kusal-citta.
          There are 2important factors to enhance moral citta. The first one is faith,saddha. The second one is wisdom, panya. Faith is a first major mental property to make moral citta work properly. Fiat is a predominant for all moral citta. Wisdom can not take place in moral citta  with no faith. The ancient teachers say if faith and wisdom come along with faith would be selected.
          There are four kinds of faith.[4]
1. Kamma-saddha, Belief in kamma; confidence in accordance of actions. Action produces reaction. Good reaction comes off good action and vice versa.
2. Vipaka-saddha,Belief in the consequence of actions. Nobody can avoid from the consequence of action even noble one.
3. kammassakata-saddha, Belief in the individual ownership of action. This belief makes people different and finite. The individual ownership of action would finish when people get enlightened.
4. Tathagatabodhi-saddha,confidence in the Enlightenment of the Buddha. This confidence is more important than the first three confidences as mentioned before. People who have confidence in the Enlightenment of the Buddha would embrace all confidence in Buddhism.
          People who preserve wholesome receive good fruit from their action. They see good sight, hear good sound, smell good smelling, take good taste, touch good tangible, and take good mental objects in daily life. They do not wait until they die and go to heaven.

          Vipaka-citta, resultant-mind, means mind get result from its action.This mind is very important for all minds because it is inborn and innate into mind until forever. People come to this world and depart form this world with this specific mind. It amazing: Vipaka-citta which is the fruit of unwholesome citta has no unwholesome cetasika, mental properties. Abhidhamma-teachers give good simile to make students to understand. The simile is that a son of bad people is not necessary to be bad guy. There are 36 of vipaka citta[5]. There are 7 of Ahetuka-citta, rootless resultant consciousness of immorality. There are 8 of Shetuka-citta,  with root resultant consciousness of morality. There are 8 of mahavipaka-citta, moral consciousness. There are 5 of Rupavacarvipaka-citta, Form Sphere moral consciousness. There are 4 Arupavacaravipaka-citta,  Formless Sphere moral consciousness.   

       Kiriya-citta, function mind, means citta which only take action in any circumstance. It goes beyond wholesome, unwholesome, and resultant. This citta is not concerned with all defilements. The Buddha and nobles can get this citta. Mundane people can not take this citta except kiriya-citta which take place in five sense doors of citta and mind sense door of citta.. Five sense doors of citta and mind sense door of citta take place before wholesome and unwholesome exit. Both of those cittas are very important in Abhidhama, Buddhist philosophy. There are 20 of kiriya-citta[6]. There are 3 Ahetukakiriya-citta, rootless functional consciousness. There are 8 of Mahakiriya-citta, functional consciousness. There 5 of Rupavacarakiriya-citta, Form Sphere moral consciousness. There 4 of Arupavacarakiriya-citta, Formless Sphere moral consciousness.

          What is functions of citta

 There are fourteen kinds of functions of citta[7].
                1. Bhavang-citta,  subconscious mind.
               Bhavanga-citta function is one of the most important functions. When people fall asleep deeply, this function is working but people do not know they are sleeping. Further more this function happens between giving up old objects and catching new objects.

           2. Patisondhi-function, this function makes mind to going into new existence.
           3. Cuti- function. This function makes mind to leaving old existence.      
4. Cukkhuvinyana- function, this function makes mind to see.
          5.  Sotavinyana- function. This function makes mind to listen.
          6. Ghanaviyana- function. This function makes mind to smell.
          7. Jivahavinyana- function. This function makes mind to taste.
          8. Kayavinyana function. This function makes mind to touch. 
          The number 4 through 8 are the fruit conscious mind. People can not avoid these objects through the 5 sense-organs. They are calleddhvipancavinyana-citta, the couple of five sense-organ conscious minds.
          9. Avajjana- function. This function makes mind to consider object.
          10. Sampaticchanna- function. This function makes mind to receive object.
         11. Santrirana- function. This function makes mind to investigate object.
          12. votthappana- function. This function makes mind to decide object.
          13.  Javana- function. This function makes mind to impulse object.
          14. Tatalampana- function. This function makes mind to hold object.

What is operations of citta.

          When people are awake, the mind takes operation through five sense organs and mind. The mind operates for seventeen times[8] to cover objects through five sense organs and fourteen times for mind. When people are sleepy, bhavanga-citta takes operation. After object touched one of five sense organs, bhavanga-citta become atitabhavanga, past sub-conscious mind. This past conscious mind is predominant of seventeen moments for five sense organs and fourteen moments for mind.
          The first moment is past of sub-conscious mind. This means the object touched the mind.
          The second moment is vibration of sub-conscious mind. This means the vibration of the mind exit.
          The third moment is the end of sub-conscious mind. This means sub-conscious mind becomes conscious mind.
          These three moments are parts of sub-conscious mind but they are considered as thought- moments.
          The fourth moment is considering conscious mind. This mind looks forward to notice what is going on through five sense organs.
          The fifth moment is understanding conscious mind what happens through five sense organs.       
The sixth moment is receiving conscious mind. This moment receives what understanding conscious mind taking.
The seventh moment is investigating conscious mind. This moment examine what receiving conscious mind taking.
          The eighth moment is deciding conscious mind. This moment decided what is good object, what is bad object.
          The ninth moment through fifteenth moment is repetition consciousness. This moment is repulsive moment which leads to become wholesome or unwholesome.   
The sixteenth and seventeenth moment is holding conscious mind. This moment stay for two times before going into sub-conscious mind.
          The number 1,2  and 3 are sub-conscious mind produce number 4 through 17. This shows sub-conscious mind prominent for conscious -mind. The teachers give simile like that sub-conscious mind like an ocean, conscious mind like a wave.

What is citta in Sigmund Freud[9]. Sigmund Freud classified citta into 3 classes. They are Unconscious mind, conscious mind, and preconscious mind.
What is unconscious mind. This mind, according to Sigmund Freud theory, is uncontrollable mind.  People dream with this mind. People talk about something in the past after are getting better from getting operation. All experience in the past is kept in this mind.
 This mind happens to anybody who don not know what they do. This mind is conscious mind in Buddhism. People do something with this conscious mind. Sometimes they know, sometime they don’t. People are not able to do anything with unconscious mind. This mind is compared
  massive ice under water,  the others are compared with some ice on water.      What is conscious mind.  This mind, according to Sigmund Freud theory, is awareness in any circumstances that people actions. We can control this crucial mind. This conscious mind is mentioned in Buddhism.
          What is preconscious mind. This mind is experience that people accumulated in the past. When people need to use, this mind would happens to them accordingly.
          I think all unconscious, conscious, and preconscious   according to Sigmund Freud  are consciousness in Buddhism. All western philosophers observe anything which they can prove with material phenomena. They don’t care abstract things that they can’t prove with five sense organs.        This Sigmund Freud theory is controversy to Buddhism.      
          I would like to compare the theory of Sigmund Freud about mind with thought moment in Buddhism. The unconscious mind compare with past subconscious mind, vibration of subconscious mind, and end of subconscious mind. The conscious compare with considering conscious mind, understanding conscious mind, receiving conscious mind, investigating conscious mind, deciding conscious mind, and repulsive conscious mind. The unconscious mind compare with holding conscious mind. I think Sigmund Freud studied Buddhism before making his own theory.


          Abhidhamma is a Buddhist philosophy, one of the most important teaching about the mind in Buddhism. In the time of the Buddha, he taught this teaching to the divine beings in the heaven. Some people think Abhidhamma is good for thinking, but impracticable. That idea is absolutely wrong. Abhidhamma is the root of Vinaya Pitka, basket of disciplinary, and suttanta Pitaka, basket of discourse. So Buddhists should learn Abhidhamma to understand Buddhism properly.
          Citta, mind which appears in Abhidhamma concludes every thing about mind, function of mind, and operation of mind. The root of   moral and psychology is Abhidhamma. The western philosophers like Sigmund Freud learn Abhidhamma and apply to be their theory, I think.


Primary source:
Khuddhakanikaya Mahanidesa.

Secondary sources:
Phrasaddhammajotika Dhammacariya. Paramatthajotika, Volumes 1 2 3 4 6. Bangkok. Saddhammajotika Foundation, 2550/2007.
Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P.A. Payutto). Dictionary of Buddhism, Bangkok. Dictionary of Buddhism Foundation, 2551/2008

[1] Paramatthajotika, Volumes 1 2 6, 23
[2]  Paramatthajotika,  Volumes 1 2 6, 13.
[3]  Paramatthajotika, Volumes 1 2 6, 14 15.
[4] Dictionary of Buddhism, 181.
[5] Paramatthajotika, Volumes 1 2 6, 13 14 15.
[6] Paramatthajitika, Volumes 1 2 6, 14 15.
[7] Paramatthajotika, Volumes 3, 17.
[8] Paramatthajotika Volume 4, 39 59
[9]  Wikipedia, Free encyclopaedia.


 Hon. Professor  Phramaha Thotsaporn Iddhivaro PH.D
 Wat Sabua  63   Kiriratthaya Road, Klongkrachang , 
 Muang   Phetchaburi.
76000.  Thailand.,

 Phone : +668 9885 0210
 Email :  watsabua@gmail.com

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